May 2022 Post Report

May 2022 report American Legion, Post 208, Millis, Massachusetts Minutes of Regular Post Meeting, Thursday 12 May 2022
On 12 May 2022, at 10:25 AM, the Regular monthly meeting of the Membership of Post 208, American Legion in Millis, MA was called to order by the Post Commander Robert Yeager. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance as led by Commander Yeager. A prayer was offered by the 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter on behalf of the the Post Chaplain Alan Burch who was out sick. The preamble to the Constitution of the American was recited by the members and led by Commander Yeager who then led in a salute to the Missing and POW's. Commander Yeager checked with the assembled membershipfor information on any deceased or ill Members of Post 208. There were no additional members passing of post members. The Post Chaplain Alan Burch had notified the Commander He was sick and could not attend the meeting today. The Post 208, Adjutant Robert Bryant was absent and the 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter is recording the minutes. Post Finance Officer Robert Yeager made the finance report to the Membership. A motion was made to accept the minutes of the Finance Report as read, subject to audit. The motion was passed by unanimous Vote of the Post 208 Membership present. The Post 208 Scout Representative, Legionnaire Todd Nolan was absent. There was no activity to report from the Post Service officer Lawrence McCarter. Other committees also had no reports. For the membership Officer, Commander Yeager reports that 55 Members have paid their dues for 2022 renewal. Thomas Howie, gave the finance report for the Building Association. Present at today’s meeting were Joseph Hersey, a former USAF Captain has recently joined the post as a new member and also another new member David R. McCarter, who served during WWII in the Pacific in the US Navy and He is also father of the 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter. With No discussion needed on Old business Commander Yeager asked for any new business to come before the Membership of Post 208. 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter brought up the subject of Memorial Day which would be Monday, 30 May 2022. The program will be worked on By 1st Vice Commander McCarter and details and recent changes worked out. Commander Yeager had also mentioned that the Legion will be providing American Flags to be placed on utility poles for Memorial Day along Main Street, Route 109 by the Millis Fire Department. The Post Adjutant Robert Bryant and also E Board Member Edward Shropshire will also be working on replacement of Flags on Veterans Graves at Prospect Hill Cemetery. The Millis Boy Scouts and Girl Scout will also be assisting on that task. . The Legion Post would be reimbursed by the Town for the purchase of the flags. Commander Yeager again brought up the subject of the water runoff assessment on the Legion Post from the Town of Millis which He is still pursuing. The Town of Millis is setting up a board to review appeals on these assessment fees. He will continue to pursue this issue with the Town of Millis as he has been doing and keep the membership advised. Legion Member Thomas Howie reports that John Wanders is the newly elected Commander of the AMVET’s Post 495 , Millis, MA. The Post Commander Robert Yeager mentioned the subject of recruiting new members for American legion Post 208. There had been some discussion recently of perhaps going back to nighttime meetings in order that Younger Veteran’s who are still in the work force may be able to attend. The nominations of Ne Post officers for the upcoming 10 June 2022 meeting were made with the current list of Officers again being placed on the ballot list. Any additional candidates can still be added on the actual election day. Due to the recent death Mark Slayton in December 2021 the Post of 2nd Vice Commander’s post is vacant. And needs to be filled. One position on the Post 208 Executive Board is also vacant due to the recent passing of Edwin Waite during early 2022. And also needs a candidate to fill that position. Commander Robert Yeager asked the Membership if there was any further business to be raised at the post meeting. There were no further issues to be raised . A closing prayer was done for the meeting by the Post 208 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter . The Post Commander Robert Yeager then declared the meeting of Post 208, American Legion to be adjourned at 11:55 AM .
Respectfully Submitted On behalf of the Post Adjutant Robert Bryant, Lawrence J. McCarter, 1st Vice Commander